Blue-Eyed Tracy

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Quick Update

First of all, THANK YOU, to anyone who still comes by and reads my blog. I can't even believe how infrequently I post, and yet you still read. Since I wrote that last post, it's been 3 weeks, off and on, of a sick almost 3 yr. old. The latest thing was a sinus infection from chronic sinusitus and so he's on the pink medicine - AGAIN. But, thankfully we're back to sleeping through the night and having a young one who acts like a lively almost 3-yr. old. Life kind of revolves around getting him to use his nebulizer, coaxing him to take the nose sprays (there are two), and keeping the humidifier clean. Whoops. . . the humidifier needs to be replaced - my job for tomorrow.

So not exciting, but that's what's going on for now.


  • Your worth coming back to.

    Hope your son continues to get well!

    By Blogger Judy, at 7:40 AM  

  • I ran across your blog while at Mike Cope's... blog that is...

    My wife and I have a beautiful 3&1/2 year old daughter. She's a gift from God, and I know what it's like for her to be under-the-weather. So, I just want to say I have prayed for your son, and will continue to do so.

    Have a Merry Christmas!!!

    By Blogger jamie riley, at 4:23 PM  

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