Blue-Eyed Tracy

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A Week of Quotes

So, over the past week or so I've been thinking about a topic I really wanted to post here. My thoughts were just beginning to come together. And then I read them . . . . over at someone else's blog. Man, I thought I was so original. Not only did I read the thoughts, but they were very well put. (Kind of humbling I must say). So I will put them here for you to enjoy, and I'll provide the link as well.
My Big Idea for the week: This will be a week of quotes. From books, other blogs, magazines, maybe even a movie or two. I actually started it all yesterday with a quote from a great book. (Who knew what would come of it??)

Here's the quote from Jollyblogger

"Parents today are bombarded with books, tapes, cd's and seminars full of helpful material on parenting. This goes for religious and non-religious parents. Again, in my context as a Christian, I can rattle off the top of my head many names of authors and titles of books that are specifically devoted to helping you raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and keep them walking with Christ.

We read all of these things and think that there is some guarantee in reading them and applying their principles that, if we read and apply these principles, our kids are going to turn out perfect, or if not perfect, at least pretty good. Yet in the Bible you've got people like David, a man after God's own heart, who commits adultery and murder. The disciples themselves had three years of training at the feet of Jesus yet they deserted him. And we don't even need to mention Peter."

The entire post is great; 'What About These Wayward Children' May 23, 2005


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