Where Have I Been?
That's my question to myself. I most definitely have not been here - on this blog - writing anything. I've been out blog surfing on so many other sites, soaking up the thoughts and threads of others, making comments, thinking of expanding further here, but then not. I've also been reading alot of books. I tend to be a fast reader and almost absorb books, especially if they are well written and something I connect to. I realized the other day, one of the times I feel most like myself is when I am reading a book. I also feel very much like me when I get to play tennis, but there aren't very many opportunities for that, so I'll stick with reading. And going to church. I feel like me when I go to church, especially if I get to sing "Be Thou My Vision". My husband is out of town on business, and I was wondering what the little man and I would be doing this evening . . .maybe we'll go to church. I am very blessed that there is a wonderful presbyterian church just a few miles from me that provides excellent childcare, and has a great evening service. I used to go to a mom's program there on Wednesday mornings, but it hasn't worked out so far this year. In some ways I'm relieved to not be going because I didn't always feel like I fit in there - at the mom's group. Maybe I should try it out again.
A great quote on parenting from Barbara Curtis, actually an excerpt from her open letter on the Ezzo parenting philosophy:
"The Ezzos take as their starting point that our society has become too child-centered. In looking around me, I can only disagree. At no time in history, I believe, have parents ever been so self-centered. So many daily parental decisions are based on society's encouragement not to neglect their own needs."
And this:
" Although the discipline of children has deteriorated drastically in the past generation, I do not believe it is due to the fact that parents are putting their children first."
Amen. I am striving to parent in a way that let's my child know that his thoughts, needs, and emotions are valid and I want to hear them . . .even if it's uncomfortable or inconvenient to me. I have MANY issues with the whole Ezzo thing, but I thought Barbara's statements spoke to the heart of why that parenting philosophy can be dangerous.
More thoughts, quotes and comments along these lines to come.
A great quote on parenting from Barbara Curtis, actually an excerpt from her open letter on the Ezzo parenting philosophy:
"The Ezzos take as their starting point that our society has become too child-centered. In looking around me, I can only disagree. At no time in history, I believe, have parents ever been so self-centered. So many daily parental decisions are based on society's encouragement not to neglect their own needs."
And this:
" Although the discipline of children has deteriorated drastically in the past generation, I do not believe it is due to the fact that parents are putting their children first."
Amen. I am striving to parent in a way that let's my child know that his thoughts, needs, and emotions are valid and I want to hear them . . .even if it's uncomfortable or inconvenient to me. I have MANY issues with the whole Ezzo thing, but I thought Barbara's statements spoke to the heart of why that parenting philosophy can be dangerous.
More thoughts, quotes and comments along these lines to come.