Blue-Eyed Tracy

Monday, April 24, 2006

Free Cone Day

Hi. Tomorrow is Free Cone Day at participating Ben & Jerry's Ice cream shops. I have Oatmeal Cookie Ice Cream in my frige right now, but I'll take free ice cream any day!

Hawaii was great. LIttle boy got the stomach flu while we were there, but it was an enjoyable trip nonetheless.

More to come soon.
(Enjoy your free cone!)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Trying to Get the Heck Out of Here

I guess it's that time of year . . . . . that could mean so many things, but in my world right now it refers to the 'spring-break' season and I actually have someplace to go. In fact, I've been madly running around town to get the 100 last minute things I need for this trip (?) and try not to completely lose my mind before I have to get on the plane. This is actually on of the first times in my life I'm taking a real vacation in the spring - but I can't take all the credit. I have a "Desintation Wedding" to attend this weekend. Apparently, Destination Weddings are the 'hot, new trend' in weddings. Nothing in my life really correlates to anything hot, new or trendy. I'm not a part of any 'cool scene' unless the mommy group I attend counts. =) But, I will be involved in lots of 'the latest and coolest' for the next week, as I watch my sis get married in Hawaii. It's a little odd to me actually that Desination Weddings are so "in", since they are quite expensive to put together and for the guests to attend. I'm not complaining - a week in Hawaii isn't a bad thing, but how many relatives of people these days can afford to make that a part of their lives?

The real question here is how on earth am I finding time to blog when I am very behind on getting packed and ready for this trip? You know, I really don't have the time, but I find that taking time out of the day to do something like this can help me stay more focused on all the things that need to get done in the rest of the day. Although, I'm pretty spaced-out on a lot of things too - I completely forgot to pay for my son's pre-school this month, so that's another last minute trip I'll be making this afternoon - late fees and all. Oh well - at least I remembered that I forgot! My new Real Simple came in the mail today too, so it will be comming with me, but I'm oh so tempted to peek at it today and lounge on the couch for a quick read-through. Hmmm . . . . too much laid back realxed approaches will mean a very late night tonight - I'm a bridesmaid after all, and I need that beauty sleep.