Another Agenda and 12 Step Meetings
I'd like to write a post here, but my computer has it's own agenda. We have a new laptop - such a great thing - however the mouse pad is SUPER sensitive. This means that as I'm trying to frantically get my thoughts out before I loose them completely, the cursor jumps to another line and I start to type over what I've already written. (I guess my thumbs drag a little while I type.) Or worse, it erases almost an entire paragraph before I even know what is happening. UGH!! I'm very sleepy, much in need of a diet coke, and I'm just trying to get down some coherent thoughts before I have to tackle the horrible mess in my kitchen.
12 step meetings are an incredibly real place to deal with one's humanity, as well as one's spirituality. I don't think we can be truly spiritual unless we come face to face with what makes us human, and the messy-ness of it all. Can I really embrace Christ if I'm holding on to any false sense of who I think I am, or even who I'd like to be on my best day? He wants me to bring it all to him . . the questions, the doubts, the struggles, the joys, the hopes, the demands, the laughter and the tears. If I seek to keep any of it to myself, I just end up hurting others and stagnating in my growth. Church can be a weird place because theoretically it is to be a place where I come "Just as I am", but if I were truly that, I don't think many church folks would want to be around me. Honesty about who we are is so completely refreshing - it runs a close second to the refreshment the truth about Christ's love brings. But, do I go into a bible study and tell everyone about how controlling I am with my husband, and provide the gory details of words, tone & actions? No, but I might ask for prayer for a critical spirit, or a fearful heart - but I keep it right there, that way no one thinks badly of me. So much of our church life and our christianity becomes driven by what other believers might think of us. Not even what they WILL think of us, but what they MIGHT. Now, if I know I have any chance of encountering a judgemental or pharisaical response from someone, there's no way I share my "gory details" with another. I already know how I've failed, I'm not about to put myself in a place where I'll be condemned - simply for being honest. What is the fear? We don't want to lose our "status" in our faith community? Should a sense of status exist in such a place? Our we elevating man's opinion of us over God's? Do we fear man rather than God? And, do we elevate men and their theological expertise and stature over God as well?
I hate the fact that I sometimes yell at my child. But keeping that part of me hidden from others for fear of what they think of me will only allow it to continue. Do I really want to do better and get help with that? Then I need to reveal it.
Where have we come to in a community of faith where no one feels free to share real struggles. God is the only one with the ALL the answers, and often the wisest and bravest thing a person in chruch leadership can do is answer some questions with "I don't know". We don't know it all - no one does. I've heard someone say something like, those who authentically live out humility, love and christlikeness talk about it the least. Living it out for me means admitting the damage I've done, asking for forgiveness and then living the life of love. So much easier said then done, but thankfully I'm not left to my own devices to figure it out. I'll close as I would at a meeting; Thanks for letting me share.
12 step meetings are an incredibly real place to deal with one's humanity, as well as one's spirituality. I don't think we can be truly spiritual unless we come face to face with what makes us human, and the messy-ness of it all. Can I really embrace Christ if I'm holding on to any false sense of who I think I am, or even who I'd like to be on my best day? He wants me to bring it all to him . . the questions, the doubts, the struggles, the joys, the hopes, the demands, the laughter and the tears. If I seek to keep any of it to myself, I just end up hurting others and stagnating in my growth. Church can be a weird place because theoretically it is to be a place where I come "Just as I am", but if I were truly that, I don't think many church folks would want to be around me. Honesty about who we are is so completely refreshing - it runs a close second to the refreshment the truth about Christ's love brings. But, do I go into a bible study and tell everyone about how controlling I am with my husband, and provide the gory details of words, tone & actions? No, but I might ask for prayer for a critical spirit, or a fearful heart - but I keep it right there, that way no one thinks badly of me. So much of our church life and our christianity becomes driven by what other believers might think of us. Not even what they WILL think of us, but what they MIGHT. Now, if I know I have any chance of encountering a judgemental or pharisaical response from someone, there's no way I share my "gory details" with another. I already know how I've failed, I'm not about to put myself in a place where I'll be condemned - simply for being honest. What is the fear? We don't want to lose our "status" in our faith community? Should a sense of status exist in such a place? Our we elevating man's opinion of us over God's? Do we fear man rather than God? And, do we elevate men and their theological expertise and stature over God as well?
I hate the fact that I sometimes yell at my child. But keeping that part of me hidden from others for fear of what they think of me will only allow it to continue. Do I really want to do better and get help with that? Then I need to reveal it.
Where have we come to in a community of faith where no one feels free to share real struggles. God is the only one with the ALL the answers, and often the wisest and bravest thing a person in chruch leadership can do is answer some questions with "I don't know". We don't know it all - no one does. I've heard someone say something like, those who authentically live out humility, love and christlikeness talk about it the least. Living it out for me means admitting the damage I've done, asking for forgiveness and then living the life of love. So much easier said then done, but thankfully I'm not left to my own devices to figure it out. I'll close as I would at a meeting; Thanks for letting me share.
Wow. Great questions. Great insight. I COMPLETELY identify with all this. I'm especially drawn to your statement that "...those who authentically live out humility, love and christlikeness talk about it the least. Living it out for me means admitting the damage I've done, asking for forgiveness and then living the life of love."
Keep blogging, please! You are ministering to me!
Jana, at 6:09 AM
I agree with you in many ways. It often frustrates me how superficial we can be at church. But then again....I feel that there is a time and place for sharing the deepest parts of ourselves. We should be able to share with our sisters and brothers in Christ and not feel condemned, you're right. But going to church on Sunday isn't necessarily the time and place for it. Can you imagine what a day of worship would be like if we all came and unloaded our burdens on each other, let it all hang out and acted out our weaknesses and faults?? Ugh! Not what God's house is supposed to be like. To me church is a place to be still and worship, learn more about God and His ways, share the good things. Not that we can't share any bad thing...I'm just saying what would be the purpose of using that forum for spilling everything? I do believe though that there should be a forum for the sharing and healing that we all need. Smaller groups, just 2 or 3 friends etc. I'm definitely not perfect. In fact, I've been baring myself pretty regularly to God and feeling like a broken vessel. My kids are home for the summer and I've done plenty of stressing and yelling. Sigh....
Anyway...I'm not trying to belittle anything you said. I, too, was thinking as I typed and just sharing my thoughts. Thanks for sharing yours!
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM
Ugh. I think too much. Anyway, I've reread what I posted earlier and I sound like a preacher. What's up with that??? Just wanted you to know that I've been feeling pretty low this week and I've been thinking along the same lines as you are. I guess I just felt free to let it all hang out here and it didn't come out right. Open mouth, insert foot. Sigh....I'll crawl back into my hole. ;)
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM
I'm glad it was helpful. Although when I re-read my post I felt it was a bit of a rant. =). Interesting coincidence, it's been a difficult week for me too. Thanks for coming here to read - your comments are encouraging.
blueyedtracy, at 9:21 PM
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