Ever So Tired
I really want to post about my new washer & dryer, and books and things in life that have been incredibly helpful, but my extreme tiredness is getting the best of me. Anyone ever heard of RLS?? (Restless Leg Syndrome). Not life threatening by any means, but oh so annoying when trying to get to sleep! I had a bad case of it last night and could not get to sleep. If you don't know what it is, be very glad. If you do - I really feel for you. Your body reaches that moment where you are about to drift off into dreamland and your legs move involuntarily and WAKE YOU UP! Sometimes this happens to me repeatedly over the course of an hour or so. Stretching can help, and light massage, too. However there are times when not even those remedies are not helpful. So, I'm off to try and sleep. I'm hoping with a good night's rest I'll be in a better blogging frame of mind tomorrow.
Sorry you are having trouble. I have indeed heard of RLS, since I think that Hubba-hubba has it as well.
I heard some recent research into increasing the amount of a certain type of iron to help RLS, you might want to Google and/or speak to your doctor. I do believe it must be supervised by your doctor, you can't just go taking extra supplements. It's at least worth a try.
Gina, at 6:38 PM
I found you via jasmine's blog...I too have RLS, and it gets really bad during pregnancies. I've heard so many different remedies. A lot of people think it is just cramps---it is hard to explain that it is when your legs take on a life of their own and *move*. It makes nights long and rest rare.
Take care. I hope your RLS eases up.
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
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