I'm Still Here
Yes, I've been 'gone' for a while, but I am still in the blogging world . . . sort of. Combination of little boy being sick, me getting a sinus infection, work done on the house, getting sucked into some new fall TV shows in the evening hours, . . etc, etc, and I have basically been preoccupied. I can't claim any real good or noble reasons for being gone, but I have been lurking around at other bloggers sites, and have just recently started commenting at a few of them again. (You know who you are.)
So, I'm thinking I'd like to write a post about how I have one more month of my son being 2 years old. He will never be 2 again, and some days I'm in a panic over whether or not I really savored all his 2-year-old happenings. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but he's growing up . . fast, and I want to enoy all there is in certain stages of his life. I'm gearing up for age 3 too, and preparing myself for the "terrible twos" that never occured around here, because the big secret is that 3 is the real monster year. If some of the tantrums I've seen in the past 6 weeks are any indication, we could be in for a wild ride. (Look out 2006, here we come!!) I guess I just wrote what I wanted to.
The TV shows I've gotten sucked-into ??? "Related" on the WB, "My Name is Earl" & "The Office" on NBC. If you love these shows like I do, you are now my friend.
Little boy is sick again - having asthma & allergies kind of makes one prone to getting every little cold - and he's now going at a rate of one per month. So, we're due for the next one right before Christmas, but right after his birthday.
If I don't post again . . .HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
So, I'm thinking I'd like to write a post about how I have one more month of my son being 2 years old. He will never be 2 again, and some days I'm in a panic over whether or not I really savored all his 2-year-old happenings. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but he's growing up . . fast, and I want to enoy all there is in certain stages of his life. I'm gearing up for age 3 too, and preparing myself for the "terrible twos" that never occured around here, because the big secret is that 3 is the real monster year. If some of the tantrums I've seen in the past 6 weeks are any indication, we could be in for a wild ride. (Look out 2006, here we come!!) I guess I just wrote what I wanted to.
The TV shows I've gotten sucked-into ??? "Related" on the WB, "My Name is Earl" & "The Office" on NBC. If you love these shows like I do, you are now my friend.
Little boy is sick again - having asthma & allergies kind of makes one prone to getting every little cold - and he's now going at a rate of one per month. So, we're due for the next one right before Christmas, but right after his birthday.
If I don't post again . . .HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!